3 papers will be presented in ICIP 2024.

Our paper “Spatiality-Aware Prompt Tuning for Few-Shot Small Object Detection (T. Karasawa et al.)”, “Gumbel-NeRF: Representing Unseen Objects as Part-Compositional Neural Radiance Fields (Y. Sekikawa et al.)”, and “Object Detection Framework Using Multiple Tone Mappings on High-Dynamic-Range Images (T. Watanabe et al.)” will be presented in ICIP 2024.

2 papers accepted in ACCV 2024.

Our paper “A Simple Fine-Tuning Strategy Based on Bias-Variance Ratios of Layer-Wise Gradients (M. Tomita et al.)” (oral!) and “Learning Non-Uniform Step Sizes for Neural Network Quantization (S. Gongyo et al.)” were accepted in ACCV 2024.