Prof. Jean Ponce (Eecole Normale Supérieure Paris/INRIA/New York University) visted our lab and gave a talk entitled “New results in video prediction and geometric motion planning.”
Jean Ponce先生 (Eecole Normale Supérieure Paris/INRIA/New York University) が研究室をご訪問され,”New results in video prediction and geometric motion planning”というタイトルのご講演をされました.
Website renewed!
This website has been renewed.
Serving as a PC in ACM MM Asia.
Prof. Kawakami has been serving as a Program Chair in ACM MM Asia 2022
Serving as an AC in 3DV 2022.
Prof. Kawakami has been serving as an Area Chair in 3DV 2022.
Talks at MIRU 2022.
Prof. Kawakami gave a tutorial talk, a talk in Work-Life Balance, and presented collaborative work in DENSO IT LAB x TOKYO TECH Discussion Night in MIRU 2022. MIRU2022でチュートリアル講演、ワークライフバランスでの講演、DENSO IT LAB x TOKYO TECH Discussion Nightでの成果発表、を行いました。
EVERSTEEL media coverage.
EVERSTEEL (of which Prof. Kawakami is a technical advisor) was featured in several media outlets for its automatic recognition of steel scrap for steel recycling.
Serving as an Area Chair in CVPR.
Prof. Kawakami has been serving as an Area Chair in CVPR 2022.
Our lab has started.
Our lab has just established in 2022 April.